I am often asked what NCES stands for, and it always makes me laugh. NCES has been around such a long time, I thought everyone knew.  With that said, I often forget that our workforce is fast changing – and in exciting ways.  The next generation is coming into healthcare, early childhood education, government and corporate wellness – change is in the air. And we are changing too!


The new professionals have their own ideas about nutrition, teaching methods, distribution formats and more!  So, with all of life, sometimes we have to renew commitment, reinvigorate messages and start as if it’s all NEW.


Nutrition Concepts and Education Steps is dedicated to bringing the highest quality products and services to Registered Dietitians and other health and education Professionals.   We not only offer the basic information necessary to education, but we endeavor to make all of our programs easy for consumers and actionable by your customer.


The Year of 2019 is going to be the year of NCES in Action! We will be offering you all of the products that are well established and provide great results, but also fantastic new products.   As you walk into that key, and often one-time, opportunity to change the nutrition and fitness habits of your customer, you will have high quality support materials.  


Enjoy changing the lives of so many -- Moms, kids, patients, caregivers and health/wellness clients.   When we are successful, your clients will make a commitment for the life long journey of being healthy.


Scroll down to take a quick look at a few NEW items in our product line up currently! Plus, so many more coming in 2019:

Renal Teaching Aid
Food Safety
Heart Health
And more.......


Chris Jackson


NCES – Nutrition Concepts & Education Steps