Changing behavior is never easy! And, our world definitely presents health and nutrition challenges for children, teens, adults and elderly, alike. We know your clients need you. And, you need reliable resources, materials and teaching tools.  
As we begin this new year of 2020, NCES is making a renewed commitment.  We want to better serve you, so that you can better others.  Together let’s create a Healthy Habits 2020!   
  -Chris Jackson, CEO

New Products

NCES is continuing to evolve and change.  We are working to make what is good even better.  In 2020, we will be developing new products to support and teach.  
  • Tackling chronic diseases such as Heart Health, Diabetes, Renal/Renal Diabetes and, the most prevalent Obesity/Weight Management. 
  • Watch for the ongoing development and exploration of Nutrigenetics – is it science, fiction or an exciting, evolving field of new information? 
  • Exploring the impact of nutritional habits during Grief Recovery.
  • Addressing critical needs in vulnerable, disadvantaged and rural communities.

Expanding Technology

NCES has spent the last two years exploring new ways to provide support to you and your clients. 

  • NCES Digital.  A new way to access so many products that you love today.

  • Indigo Cares.  Handouts that you used to give on paper now available to those you register from NCES Digital. 

  • Virtual Digital Coaching.  Yes, we know an avatar may be taking you out of your comfort zone, but Virtual Digital Coaching has distinct advantages to clients.

Our Expanding Team

We are making an even bigger commitment to Healthy Habits.  Meet our expanding team!

January Highlight
-- Erin Nugent, RD. 
Erin graduated from Northwest Missouri State University with a Bachelor’s degree in Dietetics, and then went on to complete a Dietetic Internship through Iowa State University. She has worked in both clinical and community dietetics and loves being able to share her passion for health and wellness with others.